The most simple multitouch input solution for Unity

- by More Mountains -

Nice Touch is the most simple mobile input solution
available on the Unity Asset Store.

Buy Nice Touch

This page contains a complete history of all releases of Nice Touch, as well as an overview of what's coming next.

Releases history

Constantly updated assets

All More Mountains assets receive regular updates, which always include bug fixes for all known issues at the time of the update, compatibility with new Unity releases, improvements on existing features, and of course new features. All these updates, for all these assets, have always been free. You can see how often updates get released in the graph below.

What's next?

I'm always working on new features. Here's a roadmap for the incoming ones. Warning : I won't be held responsible if some of these items never make it to a release. Buy this asset (and anything, really) for what's been released, not what's possibly coming. (Still, I'll probably be doing most of these.)

Coming next (in no particular order) :